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Swagefast Fastening Systems

The Swagefast name represents advanced technology in the supply of bolts and fasteners for use in long-term developments. Our products are designed to increase productivity, reduce downtime and improve safety standards in complex applications.

Standard Installation Tools

Designed to work with specific fasteners to safely

and efficiently pull the application together.

Close Quarter Installation Tools

Designed to work with specific fasteners to

safely and efficiently pull the application together.

Swagepac Hydraulic Powerigs

Reliable power that comes in various configurations and

is operated by electrical or gasoline power sources.

Hydraulic Swagehand Pump

When a power source is a problem, our hand pump

will safely enable the operation of compatible hydraulic

Swagefast Installation Tooling for the Installation of

Swagebolt Pins and Collars.

Collar Splitters

Allows for quick and easy removal of installed Fasteners.

Hose Set & Cord Kits

A critical link between the SwagePac

Hand Pump and Installation Tool.


The Swagefast Fastening Systems provide
strong, vibration-resistant, superior quality joining solutions.



With a diverse range of in-house tooling and manufacturing capabilities, backed by rigorous controls and processes complying to ISO:9001 standards, we excel in our ability to deliver quality and reliable fastening solutions in a variety of materials. Our slogan “Big enough to deliver, small enough to care” reads true with our passion in resolving challenging and complex applications.

Swagefast obtained Conformitè Europëenne Certification (CE) on all its Installation Tooling Equipment in February 2022. Our products fulfil relevant European product directive requirements and meet recognized European harmonized performance and safety standards through high-quality control.

EST 1994

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